Friday, June 7, 2013

Problem Solved

You can't believe what I have been through with this blog problem this week.  I have done everything that was suggested and more and nothing worked.  Finally today my daughter sat down with my computer and did a defragmentation, ran a malware sweep, updated Java Script and Adobe Flash Player, deleted my browsing history once again, blah, blah, blah, and still nothing worked.

Finally she suggested we download Firefox to see if that browser would work.  That's when I told her I already had Google Chrome on my computer.  Guess what?  I can now see my dashboard, do posts the normal way, and upload photos.  Who knew?

So if you encounter this problem, try a different browser and see if it works.

In the meantime, just a reminder that I will be at the Little French Flea Market June 15 and 16 so if you are anywhere nearby, stop by for a visit.  
Thanks for hanging in there with me and for all your suggestions.


  1. Teenagers are technical wizards! So glad you resolved your issues. Somehow your old browser got its internal addresses mixed up. I wonder if you threw away your old Chrome browser and downloaded it again if google would work with it once again.

    Whew! What a relief! You are back in business.


  2. So glad you were able to get the technical issue fixed. It's always amazing to me when I have had similar problems and the answer is so simple! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Yes that google chrome messes up allot of things! So glad you figured it out.I am clueless to allot of computer issues too.I just figure it out as I go along LOL!

  4. Yeah!
    Have fun next weekend, I know you'll sell tons of treasures.

  5. Wish I lived in California..I would so be going to that flea market! Have fun girl!

  6. YAY!!! I know how frustrating computer stuff can feel SO helpless! Glad your daughter thought of changing browsers! Oh I WISH I could come to see your booth! Take LOTS of pictures! Best of luck...hope you sell every single thing!
