Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Collection of Crosses

I haven't done a post in four days which is unheard of for me, so I thought I would do a quickie post to share these beautiful crosses I picked up at the flea market a couple of weeks ago.  I just love that crosses are so popular right now.  There is something very calming about them.

 I didn't snap a before pic, but these were all brown in color.  I wanted them white so I painted them Old White and shabbied them back.  I love the purity of the white better.  I'll be back to my regular posting as soon as I finish getting the taxes ready, digging out from work and getting other obligations taken care of.  Sometimes life gets in the way of my fun!  Oh, and I am also behind in responding to comments, but I will catch up quickly on that too.
Thanks for stopping by.