Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Collection of Crosses

I haven't done a post in four days which is unheard of for me, so I thought I would do a quickie post to share these beautiful crosses I picked up at the flea market a couple of weeks ago.  I just love that crosses are so popular right now.  There is something very calming about them.

 I didn't snap a before pic, but these were all brown in color.  I wanted them white so I painted them Old White and shabbied them back.  I love the purity of the white better.  I'll be back to my regular posting as soon as I finish getting the taxes ready, digging out from work and getting other obligations taken care of.  Sometimes life gets in the way of my fun!  Oh, and I am also behind in responding to comments, but I will catch up quickly on that too.
Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Those are beautiful crosses, Maggie. When our little granddaughter,Anna Bella, passed away we gave every family member and close friend a porcelain cross (similar to these) to remember her by. xo Diana

  2. Yes, these are lovely crosses. So sorry to hear of the loss of your Anna Bella, NanaDiana... i am praying our last grandbaby due in July will be a baby girl, but will be grateful for whatever blessing the Lord feels fit to bestow upon us. I cannot imagine losing one of our dear ones. But you have a beautiful smile... your little angel would be proud. I love angels, but so far have not had to retouch any I have found... they've all been white to off-white.

  3. Oh, those are sooo fabulous!!! You should make a polymer clay mold of them and then fill the mold with plaster and make more, they are so beautiful!! Hope you get your crummy taxes done soon!!! YUK!


  4. I'm with Carol! Make a mold! How clever we all are! Imagine if all us bloggers got together in one warehouse for a weekend to share what we would be mind boggling!!! Love the crosses!

  5. Love your cross collection. Great finds. I also have a cross collection all in white, displayed in our entry. They are very similar to yours.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. WOW not sure why this comment went twice. I will delete one.

  8. Beautiful crosses. and,I love all of your very beautiful photos on fb.

  9. LOVE all the crosses! especially done in white!

  10. Very pretty Maggie, I like the white on them too.
