Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Selling at the Little French Flea Market

I've been away from my blog for almost two weeks now.  The last time I posted I was getting ready to sell at The Little French Flea Market and it was a very hot weekend registering in the triple digits.
I felt like I nearly melted and it took me at least a week to recover.  Add to that my work schedule and helping with my friend's tea party last weekend, I was left feeling extremely tired and drained.  I'm hoping to get some more energy by visiting with my new grandson this coming weekend.  He just turned three months old and I can't wait to hold him.

To get ready to sell at a weekend event I load my little Toyota truck three times and take two loads on Friday and then another load early Saturday morning before we start.  My goal is to return with only one truck load and that includes all my set up items and my Easy Up and anything that didn't get sold.
You can see in this photo the sun is barely peaking through.  I actually had to wait to arrange everything when it got a little lighter out.  This is just how I left things Friday evening, knowing I would be bringing more.
I finally got my things arranged around 7:00 a.m.
My tea towels and clip boards are always big sellers for me.  I brought a few fall items like my white pumpkins even though it was a scorcher and felt more like summer.  My bench with the French poem debuted this weekend and I'm happy to report it sold.
My green ladder shelf was one of the first things to go as well as my primitive blue cabinet that had that same poem stenciled inside and out.  In fact, anything with my French poem sold.  

I had lots of smalls and lots of frames.  I sold all but one piece of art and all of the small frames sold out.  Even my little folding chairs that we like to sit on sold.  What the heck, I have two more waiting for a makeover, and I love redoing folding chairs.  
In spite of the fact that it was Yom Kippur, a major Jewish holiday in a very Jewish community, the weekend was a huge success.  Our next market will be mid November and I will post the dates as we get closer.  Thanks for visiting and thanks for your patience while I gather my thoughts for the new season.  


  1. I'm so glad your show was a success. I knew it would be. Your booth looked fantastic.

  2. Congratulations on having a great show. So glad that everything sold for you and your booth looked terrific.
    Have fun visiting your grandson.


  3. Congratulations Maggie - I'm not surprised at all - everything you do is so beautiful -
    Even the chairs !!! LMHO
    Have fun with with your grandbaby!!!

  4. I'm so happy you did so well! I am doing the same thing this weekend and I know I don't have enough!! I hope I sell it all though....I know I'll wish I had worked harder!! Go enjoy that baby!!

  5. I feel like I need a long rest after just reading what you've been up to!! Best of luck at your sale!

    Enjoy every minute with your precious grandson!

  6. Lovely booth Maggie. I admire your ability to put together such a cozy and inviting display. I haven't done a booth in about two years because I find it so stressful - you seem to have a great system for being able to put everything together though. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Maggie, Your booth was beautifully set up. I am glad you did well. I know setting up is work. I am hoping once you hold the new baby, you will become rejuvenated. Blessings to all. xoxo,Susie

  8. Your space looks great, Maggie! It sounds like you had a successful day.

  9. Your space looked wonderful, it's no surprise you sold so much. Love that green ladder.

  10. Nice to hear your show was a success. No surprise with such wonderful items. I love your work!

  11. So glad that you had a great show. Sorry it was hot and it took so much our of you. Enjoy your time with your grandson!


  12. You even sold the chairs you sit on?!! That's pretty good girl! I knew that ladder would sell, it was so cool! Nice job and rest up girl! Enjoy that grandbaby! I got to take mine to an apple orchard this week.
