Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th of July and a Chess Cake

Happy 4th of July.  I went to Orchard Supply Hardware today to take advantage of their paint sale and they had this beautiful display of petunias.  Isn't it pretty?  I snapped a photo with my Droid.
Here is the view from our balcony.  We are going to watch fireworks tonight and sip some of this wonderful champagne my daughter ordered especially for the occasion.
I tried three new recipes from Pinterest today and the only one I liked was this wonderful chess cake from Kevin and Amanda's blog.  It is to die for, but a sweet tooth is definitely required.  It has only five ingredients, the base ingredient being a cake mix.  This is my kind of recipe.  I paired mine with the fresh fruit and believe me I wanted more.
I hope you all had a safe and fun holiday.  Thanks for your visits.


  1. Great view for watching fireworks and the champagne is the best. Hope you had a wonderful evening. Cake also sounds very yummy.

  2. Gorgeous view! I hope you had a wonderful 4th!

    Love the flowers arranged like a flag too.

  3. Love that beautiful and clever display of flowers. Hope your evening was a festive one!!

  4. thank you for your kind words of encouragement and for your prayers for my health,

  5. Hope your 4th. was terrific, especially after having some of that champagne. Yeah. Were the fireworks great?
    We didn't have fireworks out where we live last night but the small town close to us had free bbq,chips, water, ice cream because fireworks were called off due to all the horrific fires we've had/are having here in CO. They also had a great orchestra playing patriotic tunes to eat by. It was so great and what a turnout, everybody was welcome. Wed. was also great as some churches in same town had free food, ice cream, drinks, great stuff. Our 2 granddaughters/son in law performed for couple hours then another band took over for rest of evening. Wow talk about great July 3/4th. We didn't mind no fireworks at all. I realize we're old and fireworks aren't the have to they used to be but it was still 2 great nights and we got to see dhtr/family both nights.
    There were fireworks in Grand Junction at the stadium.
    Your flowers were gorgeous and hopefully the cake was delicious.
    Happy Summer

  6. What a beautiful display!!! Hope you had a great 4th!


  7. Chess cake is my little miss Maggie's favorite dessert. She first had it at camp about 10 years ago.

  8. Looks like fun Maggie! I love chess pie and have never heard of chess cake. Off to check it out!
