Thursday, April 25, 2013

Little French Flea Market

Well, it's been four days since I finished my first time selling at The Little French Flea Market.  I'm thrilled with my sales.  All the dealers there are so friendly and fun to work with so I will definitely return in June.  At the last minute just before the gates opened, I was able to snap just a few photos to share with you, and I will also share some surprising revelations, but before I do that, I must thank my dear friend Deb.  She picked up items from my space I wanted to sell and then she not only helped me set up both mornings, but she stayed with me the whole time and helped me pack up at the very end.  Now that is a true friend for sure.

 At Aubergine Emporium, the shop I am a dealer in, I sell a lot of red stuff.  I like the color red a lot.  I also like that it sells for me when I'm tired of painting things white.  So it came as a shock to me when I hardly sold any red stuff at all.  Don't get me wrong.  I sold some books and cute laundry items, but not my red caddies or garden signs.  However, my red and white dish towels sprouted wings and thus I sold over 40 of those.
 I would say I sold approximately 70 percent of what I took to sell and only returned with a small number of larger items.  I don't care how good a dealer one is, it's rare to sell 100 percent of your inventory, and many of the items I was saving just for the market did sell and went fast.
 I have four of these vintage ironing boards that fold flat and are easy to store.  I used them around the periphery of my space for surface area to display my items.  They weren't for sale, only for display.  I could easily move them around to position things out of the sun.  It was a very warm weekend.
 I wish I would have taken a lot more frames.  They seemed to be a sure thing.  I took quite a bit of silver and only sold a few pieces, but I'm not surprised because silver even at the shop is pretty seasonal and mainly sells during the holidays.
My biggest mistake and it was pretty unavoidable was that a ton of my items never got priced ahead of time.  I have been slammed with work for the whole month of April and I felt pretty lucky to just get my items set up to sell.  On Sunday morning when it was a little quieter, I started pricing things and then they started selling like hot cakes.  I kept my prices very reasonable, but still managed to make money on every item I sold.  I would rather sell a lot of volume and clear out inventory than to pack it up just to bring it back the next time.  So from now on, I will price, price, price ahead of time.  Thanks for taking a peak.  I haven't even been able to check email as this was another crazy work week.  I'm so thrilled to be working full time again.  You know the old saying, be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.  Well, I got it for sure and that's a very good thing.  Thanks for visiting.


  1. Maggie me alegro por tus ventas, besos y buen fin de semana.

  2. So glad you sold a lot and your booth looks so nice.

  3. Your booth looks so pretty and enticing, Maggie! I'm surprised about the red items, too. I'm just starting to see what seems to be selling in my booth. Empty frames and regular frames, so I've added them to my list of things to pick up when I'm out treasure hunting. That's so good that you sold so much of what you brought.

  4. I was just getting ready to email you and see if you were still breathing! Glad you had a good sales weekend and you survived with lots of money in your pocket!

  5. Oh my goodness! How do you do it all?! You are one busy gal. I get tired just reading about all you've accomplished. Congrats on knowing just what to bring to your sale, and you'll be even more prepared next time!

  6. I'm so happy to hear that it was such a good sale for you. Your space looks so inviting. Now you'll have to start getting ready for next time!!

  7. What a great looking booth - stuffed with so many pretty things. Glad you had some good sales!

  8. Oh my Maggie, your space looked beautiful! I'm so happy that you did so well. You deserved it after all the hard work that you put into it! Now, enjoy your weekend, Gail

  9. Work comes first. Don't reply to this email, and I'm glad your sale was a success.

  10. Your booth looks amazing! So happy your show was a success! Not surprised though.You have an amazing talent!

  11. You did an amazing job getting this all together. I know how much work goes into these. So glad it was a success!!

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