Monday, April 1, 2013

Hens and Hollyhocks

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter Sunday. Saturday I attended another workshop with Christie Repasy.  This time we painted hens and hollyhocks.  Christie said I was definitely improving.  I've had no formal painting classes and I so wish I could attend these workshops more often but time and distance only permit me to attend every two or three months.

 At least it's obvious these are chickens; right?  The workshops are loads of fun and I've made some great new friends too.
 Christie treated us to this fabulous bouquet from her garden.  Isn't it beautiful?  If you ever have a chance to learn from a great teacher, grab the chance and get to know your inner artist.  I believe we all have one residing within us.  Thanks for visiting.


  1. Oh, I think you did a great job!! The colors are great and you can paint, girl!!

  2. Oh- I can't even tell you how jealous I am. I think Christie is just a fabulous artist. I adore her work. Your painting turned out great- You should be very proud of yourself, Maggie! xo Diana

  3. Oh Maggie, I would die for this opportunity! Your chicken is wonderful!


  4. OMGoodness Maggie, you did a beautiful job on this painting! I LOVE the colors in this painting!! Enjoy your day, Gail

  5. I'm taking a little break from blogging, but just had to pop in to say that your painting is fabulous!!!! I'd love to have a chance to paint with her if I'd end up with a painting like yours. :)

  6. Wow... Love your chickens!! Great job and it sounds like great fun too. :)

  7. That is one wonderful painting. What a talent you have. I'm so envious but very happy for you. Someday you'll be selling your paintings at a gallery. I love chickens so would love to have your painting in my home.
    I can't draw a stick figure, lol. My Dad was an oil painter and did some gorgeous paintings. I've no talent that way at all so if I inherited any of his artistic talent I'm still waiting for it to show up and I'm 72 already. Must just have inherited the love of making things which I enjoy tremendously. Happy week

  8. Nice Maggie! I love the subject matter. Glad you enjoyed the class.

  9. Hi Maggie,
    Oh Your painting is wonderful. You did a great job. This just takes me back to when I taught decorative painting for so many years. It was so much fun to have the girls paint and see how they improved each week.
    You have a wonderful teacher and so much more fun and learning yet to come. Have fun and happy painting.
    Your talents are many!!
    XO Celestina Marie
