Thursday, February 28, 2013

Guest Post at The Polka Dot Closet

Today is a big day for me.  Carol at The Polka Dot Closet asked me to do a guest post for her series What Does and Doesn't Sell.  She has a great blog with all kinds of fantastic ideas and how to's so click on the button below to visit my post for today and while you're there browse around The Polka Dot Closet.  I bet you'll love it as much as I do.  I mean seriously, what girl doesn't love polka dots?


  1. I loved your post on Carol's blog. Your booth is so charming and your post was a great read. I'm delighted to meet you, any friend of Carol's has got to be "good people". I am now your newest follower.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Your new blogging sister,
    Connie :)

  2. Maggie, your booth is absolutely gorgeous! I did learn something from reading your post...I need to start using my walls. They don't look like swiss cheese...LOL! Hope you have a wonderful weekend, Gail

  3. Thank you for guesting on Carol's Polka Dot Closet. Your information is very helpful even though I don't sell or have a booth. Creative Hearts are Happy Hearts...

  4. Maggie your post was fabulous. Really really good. And the store is gorgeous.

  5. I read that, Maggie- Don't you just love Carol? xo Diana

  6. Hi Maggie, I just loved your feature post at Carol's. Your pics are fabulous and I said I could do a lot of shopping here. I used to have space for many years in 3 malls. I have since closed them and only have my on line shoppe, but it still amazes me how items sell differently around the country. Important to know your customer and your expertice is right on. Loved this so much.
    Thank you for being apart of Carol's series.

    Have a great weekend.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  7. Wish I could visit your beautiful shop...I saw many gorgeous items I would want to walk right out the door with!!! It's great that you know exactly what your customer base wants and doesn't want. It's funny how different taste's are in different places!
