Friday, January 4, 2013

New Projects

Well, I have received a few comments that others are having problems uploading photos as well so I have deduced it is a Blogger problem and hopefully they will get it fixed.  In the meantime I am working on two new pieces of furniture to share which hopefully will be done very soon.

I have been cleaning, organizing and purging lots of things that are cluttering the house and life in general.  It's such a good feeling to get organized, but it does hinder the creative spirit lest I mess things up and get unorganized again.  Such a dilemma, but I go through this every year.  Do you have this problem?

I am also working on my website which just needs listings uploaded and then I think I am on my way.  I am looking forward to a lot of new things this year.  Out with the old and in with the new is my current motto.  I will keep checking to see when I can upload photos and hopefully Blogger is aware of the problem and will fix it very soon.


  1. Sorry you are having issues loading photos.
    Can't wait to see what you are working on!I have lots of things planned too.And yes I am also weeding out things I no longer want.

  2. Yes, I had this problem today too when I posted. So what I did was work the post between the compose and html. Wrote the post in compose then had to switch to html for the pic. It took a bit longer, but I got it done anyway. It is a blogger problem.

    I can so relate to what you said about organizing and purgeing. I have been going from room to room and now I'll be off to the GoodWill to drop it off. I love the clutter gone and everything organized. Now my store room for my studio is another thing. That will be attacked next week.

    Looking forward to seeing your projects. Happy New Year.
    Hugs, CM

  3. Hey Maggie, I was just at Garage Sale Gal and she found a temporary work around for the picture loading problem. Read the post before the last one and look at Stacy's comment.

    Good Luck!

  4. Maggie - I am working on that out with the old- in with the new process, too. It feels good!!!! xo Diana

  5. Hopefully, this issue will be resolved soon, Maggie. I always look forward to seeing your projects.

  6. Hi Maggie! Not know what else to do, I tried Google Chrome. Now I can upload photos to my blog. Maybe that's what Google wanted all along :)


  7. What? you mean people get rid of things? Happy New Year Maggie!

  8. wondering how you managed to post pictures again? I'm still not able to do so. Thanks for any help you can give. I don't have the ability to do it via a phone.
