Saturday, July 21, 2012

Yellow and White Tablescape

My theme today is yellow and white or better put, lemon yellow.  In honor of this sunny yellow table I kept Mr. Sunshine for a while longer to watch over everything.  I used the French bar stools I painted a while back.  Thankfully they sold this week to a couple looking for luau decorations.  Go figure!

I used some of my white china, which is not ironstone, but I love it just the same.  The goblets were from my mother's wedding crystal and the white flowers in the bouquet are from my garden.  I had to buy the yellow ones because my color scheme is basically white.  I think this is just the cheeriest of complementary colors.
 I've had the cute yellow teapot napkin rings for years.
 Do you love the color of macaroons as much as I do?  How do they get them to be such pretty colors?  I haven't seen a macaroon yet that wasn't beautiful. 

Just remember, if life gives you lemons, make lemonade.  Nice of you to drop by.  Please visit again soon.
Don't forget about our Hot Fun in the Summertime link party going on.  You can link anything summery and fun!  Click here.

I'm partying at...

Mondays          Le Chateau des Fleurs       The Graphics Fairy    
                                      Between Naps on the Porch Metamorphosis Monday
Tuesdays          Knick of Time       Tutus and Tea Parties       Coastal Charm  
                                      Boogie Board Cottage    A Stroll Thru Life
Wednesdays     Savvy Southern Style         Ivy and Elephants
                                     Faded Charm Cottage       Fine Craft Guild      
Thursdays        Embracing Change     The Shabby Creek Cottage    No Minimalist Here 
                                      Between Naps on the Porch    Fishtail Cottage
                                     Rustic Restorations Homespun Happenings
Fridays            French Country Cottage       My Romantic Home        Miss Mustard Seed
                                    At the Picket Fence     Potpourri Friday     Common Ground
                                    The Charm of Home    Decorating Insanity   Rooted in Thyme
Saturdays        Funky Junk Interiors

Sundays           It's Overflowing

Friday, July 20, 2012

Doodling in French

Yesterday I shared my re-purposed vintage ironing board that I did some chalkboard style art on.  I can't draw at all so I have to use a projector or transfer paper and other materials to transfer images onto my projects.  At a recent stop at Dick Blick art store in Pasadena, I came across this book called "Doodling in French."  It practically jumped off the shelf at me.  Don't you just love the title?  And what a perfect title it is too.  BTW, Dick Blick has a website you can order off of.

The book was authored by Anna Corba and it retails at 16.95.  Worth every penny for the amount of inspiration she offers.  I think the book cover says it all.

I have photographed just a few pages so you can see the way she presents her concepts.  Anna includes beautiful French graphics and typography.
 She offers a sketch page and then a scrap booking style format on the opposite page.
I have spent a lot of time studying and enjoying this book. 
 Her sketches are so easy to follow.  Even a child could do it (or an inner child if you are an adult like myself.)
 I love Victorian circus art.  I have saved a lot of it to my computer from the Graphics Fairy.  I bet I could do something wonderful with this little tent.
Here is my chalkboard style art I shared yesterday.  What I did was copy the sketches to the size I wanted and then used white transfer paper to transfer the image.  I used the shoe in the upper left, the dress in the lower left, the dress form in the upper right and then the garland that is surrounding it.   I love the way the project turned out and it was so easy and inspiring to use this new book as a guide to my re-purposed project.
I love your visits.  Thanks again for dropping in.  I hope you have found this book as inspiring as I have.  The website on the back of the book is

I'm partying at...

Mondays          Le Chateau des Fleurs       The Graphics Fairy    
                                      Between Naps on the Porch Metamorphosis Monday
Tuesdays          Knick of Time       Tutus and Tea Parties       Coastal Charm  
                                      Boogie Board Cottage    A Stroll Thru Life
Wednesdays     Savvy Southern Style         Ivy and Elephants
                                     Faded Charm Cottage       Fine Craft Guild      
Thursdays        Embracing Change     The Shabby Creek Cottage    No Minimalist Here 
                                     Between Naps on the Porch Tablescape Thursday    Fishtail Cottage
                                     Rustic Restorations Homespun Happenings
Fridays            French Country Cottage       My Romantic Home        Miss Mustard Seed
                                    At the Picket Fence     Potpourri Friday     Common Ground
                                    The Charm of Home    Decorating Insanity   Rooted in Thyme
Saturdays        Funky Junk Interiors

Sundays           It's Overflowing

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Chalkboard Art on a Table

Okay, my title is a little erroneous because this isn't a chalkboard and it's not even a table.  So let's just pretend.  All right?  I don't have before pics because I have had this piece for over a year and I painted it at least a year ago with American Accents Canyon Black.  It sat in my "creative space" until I took pictures to share this week and saw it in the photos.  After awhile, junk everything melds together.

 I did paint it in the chalkboard art style that is so popular right now and I love chalkboard art just as much as everyone else does so it was a pleasure working on this project.  Let me say I could not have done it as precisely as I did without the use of a paint pen.  This is my first time using a paint pen and I am in LOVE!  Probably cut my work time to a third and let's just say this was pretty time consuming.
 This is actually my third French Laundry project.  The first two I did in red and charcoal and they were just the tops of the ironing board.  I put big door handles on them so things could be hung.
Oh, did I forget to mention this is an ironing board?  I think I did.  Well, it's the coolest ironing board around because it has an adjustable height so it could be used as a sofa table, a portable server or a craft table.  I actually use our ironing board when I work on horizontal signs.  I can adjust the height to accommodate my needs.
As well as using the paint pen for the first time, I learned to doodle in French.  Do you doodle in French?  I am going to be sharing a new book I just bought with you called "Doodling in French," and let's say it is beyond inspiring.  So I can't draw worth beans, and I don't speak a word of French (one of my biggest regrets), but darn it, I can now doodle in French and I will tell you all about it in a couple of days.
 I am really pleased with the way this turned out.  My husband doesn't get the concept of using an ironing board for a table, but that's what re-purposing is all about.
I had to take this outside and lay it on it's side to get a complete picture and then I could not crop the photo.  This puppy is very very long!

Thanks a whole bunch for visiting.  Don't forget about our Hot Fun in the Summertime link party going on right now.  Grab the party button on the side of my blog and have some summer fun!

I'm partying at...

Mondays          Le Chateau des Fleurs       The Graphics Fairy    
                                      Between Naps on the Porch Matamorphosis Monday
Tuesdays          Knick of Time       Tutus and Tea Parties       Coastal Charm  
                                      Boogie Board Cottage    A Stroll Thru Life
Wednesdays     Savvy Southern Style         Ivy and Elephants
                                     Faded Charm Cottage       Fine Craft Guild      
Thursdays        Embracing Change     The Shabby Creek Cottage    No Minimalist Here 
                                     Between Naps on the Porch Tablescape Thursday    Fishtail Cottage
                                     Rustic Restorations Homespun Happenings
Fridays            French Country Cottage       My Romantic Home        Miss Mustard Seed
                                    At the Picket Fence     Potpourri Friday     Common Ground
                                    The Charm of Home    Decorating Insanity   Rooted in Thyme
Saturdays        Funky Junk Interiors

Sundays           It's Overflowing

Hot Fun in the Summertime Party #3

Today starts our third of four link parties my friends and I are hosting during the month of July.  I want to thank all of you who have participated.  The links have been amazing summer ideas, great projects and recipes.  On behalf of my fellow bloggers who are hosting this party with me we say thank you.

I have a new appreciation for all the people who host these link parties week after week.  It takes real dedication, especially the ones who send an email and leave comments.  I thank all of you too.

I just want to share some of the fabulous projects that my co-hosts worked on this week before we begin.

Check out this awesome beverage cart by Bliss at Bliss Ranch.  Isn't this amazing?

She even shared her dog with us and you know how I love dogs.

I must try this technique.  Look at this faux zinc lamp Miss Flibbertigibbet did.

Lorraine also did this "divorce chair" with an amazing pillow.  To see why she named it this, check out her blog.

Lorraine's been a busy beaver this week.  She channeled Miss Mustard Seed and created this beautiful table.

Karen at Somewhat Quirky made these take-along smores.  Just looking at them is making me gain weight.  My daughter made these from Karen's recipe.  Let me just say they were DELISH!

Check out these light globe posts, also by Karen at Somewhat Quirky.  Truly beautiful and colorful to light up a summer evening.

I shared this cute little rolltop desk with a French twist.

Then I covered some padded hangers with burlap to hang some vintage clothes on. 
So now let's see what you have been up to this week.  To see if you were featured last week, it's Holly's week to pick the features.  Go to to check out Holly's blog.  You know all the rules for the party;  right?  Please link back and you may link up to three posts to share your summertime projects and ideas.  PLEASE grab the button on my side bar.  It looks like the one below except there is code attached to it.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Toluca Lake Part 1

Today I worked in an area that is not far from where I grew up so I decided to take a drive over there to see if I could get some photographs of the charming sweet homes in this area.  This part of Los Angeles is called Toluca Lake and it really does surround a lake and a very private country club.  I always admired these beautiful homes growing up because I lived on the other side of the boulevard in a little apartment with my mother.  It was always nice to know though that this area was close by.  Maybe that's what sparked my incredible love and appreciation for beautiful homes with lots of curb appeal and detail.  Of course, I have to credit my mother and grandmother too because my mother had a little vegetable garden as far back as I can remember.  If you gave her a square foot of dirt, she would plant something in it.

I wouldn't consider myself a "purple" person although I like a hint of it here and there, but this patch of purple and lavender was so eye catching, I had to snap a couple photos.  Even the ground cover peaking out is purple.
Aren't they gorgeous?  Even though they are nearing the end of the season, they are quite lovely.

This little guy above totally faked me out and then I realized the owner of this house has a similar sense of humor to myself.  This bird looked totally real to me when I first saw it.  That's a golf ball he is trying to abscond with.
How do I love thee, picket fence?  Let's say I never saw one I didn't want to take home with me.  I so wish we had a picket fence, but I would have to move half of my sprinkler system and the mister is not going to go there.  No way, no how.

I am sure the above photo is of climbing New Dawn roses on a split rail fence.  They were exquisite.  The most delicate pink you can find in nature.

Now this homeowner in the above photo was really planning ahead.  His yard is totally drought tolerant.  All those plants are succulents and native California plants.  It looks great with his unusual driveway.  Beautiful planning on his part.  I just could not live without my roses. 

In the photo below, I love the symmetry of the curvy staircases and the front windows with the potted trees.  Very nice.
Please do not forget about our Hot Fun in the Summertime link party.  The party starts at 8:00 eastern time on Thursday.  We would love for you to join us.  You can link up on any of our five blogs and your link will show up on all five.  Just grab the link button on my sidebar and join the fun.

Thanks for stopping by.  The end of summer is nearing, and the flowers are getting sparse, but I do believe California has some of the prettiest gardens in the nation and I'm happy to share a few of them with you.

I'm partying at...

Mondays          Le Chateau des Fleurs       The Graphics Fairy    
                                      Between Naps on the Porch Metamorphosis Monday
Tuesdays          Knick of Time       Tutus and Tea Parties       Coastal Charm  
                                      Boogie Board Cottage    A Stroll Thru Life
Wednesdays     Savvy Southern Style         Ivy and Elephants
                                     Faded Charm Cottage       Fine Craft Guild      
Thursdays        Embracing Change     The Shabby Creek Cottage    No Minimalist Here 
                                     Between Naps on the Porch Tablescape Thursday    Fishtail Cottage
                                     Rustic Restorations Homespun Happenings
Fridays            French Country Cottage       My Romantic Home        Miss Mustard Seed
                                    At the Picket Fence     Potpourri Friday     Common Ground
                                    The Charm of Home    Decorating Insanity   Rooted in Thyme
Saturdays        Funky Junk Interiors

Sundays           It's Overflowing

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Burlap Hangers

I found some burlap covered hangers at a sale last weekend and I loved them so much I decided to try my hand at making some myself.  I used two white satin covered hangers I had on hand that I used to display vintage clothing.

I cut a large rectangle larger than I needed that when folded would fit over the hanger.  I cut a very small hole to insert the looped piece.  Then I cut closer to make a quasi pattern.  I simply tucked one side of the fabric under the other, folded the other piece to make a small hem and then stitched them together.  I carefully tucked in the ends and cut and trimmed so I didn't have too much fabric on the ends of the hanger.  First I started hemming in the middle of the hanger so it was anchored well and then I did the ends and worked inward.  You can look at the back side of my hangers in photograph number 3.  For the hook part I used some ribbon I had on hand and used tacky glue to attach it to the hook.

 If you read my blog yesterday, you already know I have a little bit of everything in my creative space so I didn't have to purchase one single thing for this project.  I love the burlap with the lace.  It's the perfect yin and yang.  Below is a photo of my inspiration hangers.
 The backs of my inspiration hangers don't look any better than mine so I think it's just a stitch as you go process.  After the ribbon dried on the hook, I cut enough ribbon to tie a little bow around it to finish it off.  I love these.  BTW, the inspiration hangers are just burlap over wood hangers.  I personally like the more padded look but it's a matter of preference.  Have a great day and thanks so much for stopping by.

I'm partying at...

Mondays          Le Chateau des Fleurs       The Graphics Fairy    
                                      Between Naps on the Porch Metamorphosis Monday
Tuesdays          Knick of Time       Tutus and Tea Parties       Coastal Charm  
                                      Boogie Board Cottage    A Stroll Thru Life
Wednesdays     Savvy Southern Style         Ivy and Elephants
                                     Faded Charm Cottage       Fine Craft Guild      
Thursdays        Embracing Change     The Shabby Creek Cottage    No Minimalist Here 
                                     Between Naps on the Porch Tablescape Thursday    Fishtail Cottage
                                     Rustic Restorations Homespun Happenings
Fridays            French Country Cottage       My Romantic Home        Miss Mustard Seed
                                    At the Picket Fence     Potpourri Friday     Common Ground
                                    The Charm of Home    Decorating Insanity   Rooted in Thyme
Saturdays        Funky Junk Interiors

Sundays           It's Overflowing

Monday, July 16, 2012

Where I create

Okay, I don't know if I know any of you well enough to show you my creative space, but I'll go out on a limb and hope you don't think any less of me for this space.

This room is my "office."  I keep my fax machine and two printers up here, a phone line and a laptop computer.  No desk top for me.  Way too confining.  Usually when I bring people up here (only those in my inner circle) my first words are "please don't judge me by this room."  The fact of the matter is this is who I am, and for me this is totally organized and functional. 

This following photo is of my beautiful leather topped desk with the ball and claw feet.  Do you love it?  Yeah, right.  I covered it with a plastic tablecloth and what else?  Oh yeah, a drop cloth.  That's appropriate since I keep my paints here.  I have snippets of projects and books that were waste basket bound that I rescued and notice all my Springer Spaniel art?  I love all things Springer because I love my beautiful dog Cindy.
 I found this armoire at a garage sale for $100.  I decided the reason my floor was always cluttered was because I didn't have shelving.  So I promptly filled up the armoire (even the top) and the floor just collected more junk junque.  It's cleaned up for these pictures.  What?  You can't tell it's cleaned up?  How do you think I have a place to stand to take these photos?
 Here is my fax machine and all my old shoe boxes and magazine holders and boxes.  Like the fancy labels?  Yeah, they are seriously cute.  I designed them myself with blue painter's tape and a permanent marker.  They are not hard to duplicate.  I'm sure you could let your creative self recreate some just like these.
 This is only half of my decorating, art, and inspiration type books.  Yeah, I have an addiction.  Speaking of addictions, I am thinking of starting a 12 step program for magazine-a-holics.  Hi, I'm Maggie, and I am seriously addicted to subscribing and hoarding collecting decorating magazines (like back to the beginning of time).  I just got rid of six boxes of magazines.  I only kept Romantic Homes, Victoria and Country Living.  Everything else had to go and subscriptions will not be renewed.  This is the first and second step in my program by the way.  Oh, let me ask you your opinion.  Does Pottery Barn catalog count as a magazine?  Because I did keep those, but only the last year's mailing and I put them in their own little bin.  Of course, that's because I'm so organized.
 Here's my new sewing machine.  Don't you just love it?  I bought it 3 months ago.  Good thing I got the extended warranty.  The box is still sealed.  I will use it soon.  I promise.  It was on sale and that's why I just had to get it when I did.  It was the last day of the sale.
 This is my little work horse.  This is my OLD color copier/printer by HP.  I use it to copy onto fabric and spray-adhesived tissue paper to make my homemade tissue paper and sometimes I even copy paper on it.
 Here is my wonderful computer.  Look, the table got emptied for the party so now I have a place to sit and write.  Of course, my plastic tablecloth is nearby so I can paint something new this week.
Now look at these very petite pieces of furniture.  These belonged to my husband's grandmother and he actually remembers her running her hotel from these very pieces when he was a child.  Yeah, you guessed it.  He's considerably OLDER than I am.  I'm sure it was a very small hotel, and he was just a smart Alec young boy then.  His memory may be a little faded with time.  Nonetheless, these pieces stay because they are his family heirlooms and I'm a sentimental romantic at heart.  That's why I'm addicted to Romantic Homes magazine and that's why I am letting him keep them!

This room is as large as a three-car garage.  That's why it's full of my junk junque.   Doesn't that sound so much better?  It's classy junque after all.

This little dream sign is probably the prettiest thing in the room.  I didn't make it, but it reminds me to take a deep breath and let my creative juices flow and my imagination run wild.  Thanks for enduring this tour.  I hope you didn't trip over any of my treasures.  Have a wonderful day!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Pink and Aqua Tablescape

Good afternoon everyone.  Today I brought out some of my favorite pieces from past tea parties.  I just love this pink and white checked tablecloth, and I especially love it with the aqua mixed in with it.  I've been wanting to share my cherub plates with you for awhile.  I have had these for years and years.  Aren't they sweet?

 I wrapped some pretty white silk roses with their stems around the napkins.  The cup and saucer in the photo below is one of my favorites.
 Aren't these macaroons delicious looking?  I actually took one of these and had paint matched to it.  The colors are divine.
The hydrangeas came from my garden.   The pretty cake on the pedestal is not real.  I keep it in the dining room all year long on my tea cart and it's gotten a little faded over the years, but it's still adorable.  The cake pedestal is made from old lamp parts.  I purchased this one and then I copied it and made one myself.  I love how they add different heights to my tables when I'm serving tea.
Below are some of my hand painted pieces.  I like to pick up strays every now and then.   The hand painting is exquisite.
 There is no mark on the plates or I would tell you who they are manufactured by.
Happy Sunday everyone.  Thanks for joining me today.  As always, I enjoy your visits.

I'm partying at...

Mondays          Le Chateau des Fleurs       The Graphics Fairy    
                                      Between Naps on the Porch Metamorphosis Monday
Tuesdays          Knick of Time       Tutus and Tea Parties       Coastal Charm  
                                      Boogie Board Cottage    A Stroll Thru Life
Wednesdays     Savvy Southern Style         Ivy and Elephants
                                     Faded Charm Cottage       Fine Craft Guild      
Thursdays        Embracing Change     The Shabby Creek Cottage    No Minimalist Here 
                                     Between Naps on the Porch Tablescape Thursday   Fishtail Cottage
                                     Rustic Restorations Homespun Happenings
Fridays            French Country Cottage       My Romantic Home        Miss Mustard Seed
                                    At the Picket Fence     Potpourri Friday     Common Ground
                                    The Charm of Home    Decorating Insanity   Rooted in Thyme
Saturdays        Funky Junk Interiors

Sundays           It's Overflowing