Thursday, July 19, 2012

Hot Fun in the Summertime Party #3

Today starts our third of four link parties my friends and I are hosting during the month of July.  I want to thank all of you who have participated.  The links have been amazing summer ideas, great projects and recipes.  On behalf of my fellow bloggers who are hosting this party with me we say thank you.

I have a new appreciation for all the people who host these link parties week after week.  It takes real dedication, especially the ones who send an email and leave comments.  I thank all of you too.

I just want to share some of the fabulous projects that my co-hosts worked on this week before we begin.

Check out this awesome beverage cart by Bliss at Bliss Ranch.  Isn't this amazing?

She even shared her dog with us and you know how I love dogs.

I must try this technique.  Look at this faux zinc lamp Miss Flibbertigibbet did.

Lorraine also did this "divorce chair" with an amazing pillow.  To see why she named it this, check out her blog.

Lorraine's been a busy beaver this week.  She channeled Miss Mustard Seed and created this beautiful table.

Karen at Somewhat Quirky made these take-along smores.  Just looking at them is making me gain weight.  My daughter made these from Karen's recipe.  Let me just say they were DELISH!

Check out these light globe posts, also by Karen at Somewhat Quirky.  Truly beautiful and colorful to light up a summer evening.

I shared this cute little rolltop desk with a French twist.

Then I covered some padded hangers with burlap to hang some vintage clothes on. 
So now let's see what you have been up to this week.  To see if you were featured last week, it's Holly's week to pick the features.  Go to to check out Holly's blog.  You know all the rules for the party;  right?  Please link back and you may link up to three posts to share your summertime projects and ideas.  PLEASE grab the button on my side bar.  It looks like the one below except there is code attached to it.

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