Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Shop Small Stores 3

"The further behind I get, the more I think I'm in front."  Don't you just feel that way some days, especially around the holidays?  I know I do. 

In the meantime I'm still waiting for my camera charger to arrive, but you know how I feel about shopping small stores and local businesses so I wanted to share this with you just to give some food for thought.  I saw this on Facebook and for some reason the whole message did not copy and paste, but the bottom line is if you agree with this concept, copy and paste it and send it along.  



  1. I couldn't agree more! This year I plan to stay out of the BIG stores and shop "small" and local too as much as possible!!

  2. I think that is a GREAT idea and I am in total agreement with it. I shop local whenever I can- xo Diana

  3. I am making a commitment to buy local as much as I can this year. We really need to help our own communities and our nation by doing this!

  4. I couldn't agree more and good idea, let's help the small businesses out.


  5. Bravo for you, great idea. Maybe if more of us did that our economy would improve and not as many small companies go out of business.
    Because of where we live (out in country) we tend to shop at the town that is 5 miles east of us. No big stores, 1 grocery store, 1 hardware store. It's a small town but growing from influx of people when the housing market was more fluid.
    Our youngest daughter and her family moved here from San Diego in 2004 so they could buy a house. They're one of the few that still live in the first house they bought in that town. When they left San Diego they couldn't afford to buy a house in one of S.D.'s worst neighborhoods due to the cost (500k). Now they have a wonderful 4 bedroom, 2 bath. 2 car garage, end of cul-de-sac lot they bought for $155K. They're still so happy to be buying their own home.
    They're happy to be living in an area where they don't have to worry about bad things happening constantly. They can see horses, cattle, on their way to and from work, not lines of cars on the freeways. Happy Week

  6. Living in a big town with lots of big stores, this is a battle I fight against daily! It's very hard to sell when there are so many inexpensive products flooding the shelves! Luckily, the shop that carries my things promotes local artisans and doesn't carry a bunch of mass produced items. But, it's still a hard grind!
