Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Spam Galore

No photos today, just a question.  I am getting a ton of spam, about 80 per day, and it is driving me crazy.  It started Friday night, and it is going to two email addresses so I have to manually go through and delete them.  I'm not bothering to read them because I know they are just pointless jibber jabber.  I am raising this question because Barbara Jean at Treasures From the Heart did her post today on the very same problem and one of the comments she received was mean and hurtful.

I noticed the spam is being posted on two of my posts that contained the word "sign" in the title so be careful what you name your blog posts.  The spammers must be targeting key words in titles.  If you are experiencing this problem, please let me know how you are handling it. 


  1. Oh bummer! I was getting so much spam that I finally had to change my settings not to allow anonymous comments, that took care of most of it! If you are not allowing anonymous comments, I don't know what to tell you, what a paint to get 80 comments in your in box, let us know how this turns out!


  2. I had the same problem about six months ago right after a post on a Blog Forum I attended. I had at least 800 spam comments within a week or less and what a pain it was to go through all of them. Changed my settings from Anyone to Registered User-Includes Open ID. No problems since then, but you never know.

  3. Yup, I've been getting a lot recently, too. Thankfully, they don't post to my blog as I have "moderated comments". They are all from "Anonymous" and go right to my Spam email folder, so I just delete them in one click.

  4. I had it happen when I signed up for free stuff or coupons !!! Never again !! Had to change my email.

  5. I have been getting more lately, but more consists of maybe 2 a day. They usually reference the same post of mine, a dresser, and it just comes to email under anonymous, not on my blog. I do not have any sort of comment moderation enabled which doesn't matter because these don't really go to the post, they are email spam.


  6. Spam is a real pain. Although I don't allow anonymous comments, crap still manages to slip through occasionally. I just delete it as spam.
