Sunday, May 13, 2012

Tribute to Mother

Happy Mother's Day everyone.  Today in honor of my mother we set up a table on the patio using her china and silver.  I used one of my beautiful garden statues as a back drop and brought in a tiny crystal chandelier.   The candelabras are a pair I picked up at the flea market a few years back.  I wanted to light the candles but my daughter said "You're going to burn the house down.  Are you crazy?  You could start a fire," maybe that's not such a good idea.

Although I do not share very much about my personal life, today I would like to share a little bit about my mother.  My mother was born in March of 1930 virtually six months after the stock market crashed which launched the great depression.  Her playpen was a used picket fence stuck into a corner to keep her penned in.  She was the middle of three children.  When she was 16, her father committed suicide, an act that I think affected the rest of her life.  At 18, a week out of high school she married my father.  At that time average middle class women did not attend college, they got married and raised a family.  It turned out to be a marriage of great abuse.  In 1953 my mother gave birth to her only child and decided she needed to leave and boarded an airplane with $3 in her wallet and a three-month old infant.  She had no job, no home and virtually no where to go.  I cannot believe the fortitude that took for her to do that.  She ended up living with my aunt, worked by day and went to night school to learn bookkeeping skills.  She eventually became an accountant, although never got her CPA.  She raised a child by herself back in the day when women were not single parents.  She was a pioneer for sure.  My mother never purchased a piece of property, never had a savings account, and never remarried.  She never accepted a drop of government assistance either.  She was too proud.  In spite of all of that I feel we lived a gracious life, one of appreciation for what we had, and I never felt deprived.  I learned early on it is not material goods that make a person happy.  We must make our own happiness with what God grants us.  I do not share this story to make you pity my mother or myself.  It is a story of how strong women can be and how inspite of adversity we can still be proud and happy individuals.  Mother passed away in June of 2002 at the young age of 72.
The name of her china pattern is Royal Rose.  The maker's mark says Grant Crest Fine China Made in Japan.  I know it's from the 1950s.  I can remember this china way back to my early childhood.  Back then there were no dishwashers (at least we didn't have one) so we used this china every day.  We also used my mother's sterling silver every day as well.  Her pattern was Old Master by Towle.  Mom was a firm believer in why have it if you are not going to use it.

The napkin holders came from Bullock's.  I have had these for 25 years.  The place mats are from Home Goods.  Aren't the ruffles fun?

Mom used to make us little tea sandwiches without the crusts.  Some would consider that fancy, but my mother just liked making everything pretty.
I think that's why I like to do tablescapes, and I love to entertain.  Have a wonderful mother's day everyone.  I did not share our story to make anyone sad, but rather to help all of us, including myself, keep life in perspective of how so very blessed we all are no matter what our circumstances.

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I'm partying at...

Mondays          The House in the Roses       Le Chateau des Fleurs        The Graphics Fairy
                                      Metamorphosis Monday
Tuesdays          Knick of Time       Tutus and Tea Parties       Coastal Charm  
                                      Boogie Board Cottage    A Stroll Though Life
Wednesdays     Savvy Southern Style         Ivy and Elephants        Faded Charm Cottage            
                                     Fine Craft Guild      
Thursdays        Embracing Change     The Shabby Creek Cottage    No Minimalist Here 
                                     Between Naps on the Porch Tablescape Thursday
Fridays            French Country Cottage       My Romantic Home        Miss Mustard Seed
                                    At the Picket Fence     Potpourri Friday     Common Ground
                                    The Charm of Home    Decorating Insanity
Saturdays        Funky Junk Interiors

Sundays           It's Overflowing


  1. Lovely sentiments and beautiful story of strength through adversity...a story of many women. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Aren't women amazing? We take so much for granted and sometimes worry about silly things that may never happen and yet your mum stepped out, as you say, at a time when it was quite unheard of. How brave and strong was that! My partners aunt fell in love with a Canadian Soldier during the 2nd world war and they married. After the war he came back here to Canada. Unknown to her family she was pregnant, but she still got on that boat from the UK and sailed across the Atlantic all alone not knowing what she would find here and indeed would her new husband be here! They didn't have an easy life, they weren't well off but they were happy.

    Sometimes when I listen to people complaining about not having enough money, not having the latest I Pad or whatever I feel quite sad and sometimes a little cross. If we have a roof over our head, food in our belly and people who love us surely we have everything we need.

    Thank you for sharing.

  3. Thankyou for sharing that Maggie. Your your mum sounded like a very special person - mine was too and missed dreadfully. We celebrated ours in the UK back in March but never a day goes by when I don't think about her. Happy Mothers Day. Patricia

  4. Maggie,
    Thank you for sharing your story.What a strong and brave woman your Mother was.I can't imagine doing what she did.But she did what she had to do and did not complain.I can relate as I know of some very strong women in my husbands family.
    Happy Mothers Day.

  5. Maggie, what a great story. She sure was a brave women, you are right, being a single person sure was not in vogue at that time. What a beautiful table and tribute!


  6. Maggie- What a great, great insight into what has made you who you are...and what a wonderful, determined mother you had. One that made you proud and strong. God bless you, Maggie. I don't feel sorry for you at all- I feel that the way you were raised was God's plan....and your Mom did a wonderful job of livig out that plan even though it was a hard life. xo Diana

  7. Beautiful story Maggie...Your mom was an amazing woman...xoxkathee

  8. Gorgeous tablescape...and cannoli's are a favorite of mine! mmm...So pretty!

  9. Gorgeous china and silver from your wonderful and corageous dear mother! You have these treasures to remember her by...BUT you have her teachings and all her life dedicated to you, to cherrish her for ever. I do love your ruffled tablecloth, it's adorable. Thanks for your nice visit. Hope you had a great Mother's Day.

  10. Hi Maggie,

    Your mother was so brave. Thanks for sharing your story. Your tablescape is beautiful.


  11. What a beautiful and touching tribute to a very special woman... by a very special daughter. She would have been so proud of how you chose to honor her on Mother's Day. xoxo

  12. What a beautiful and touching tribute to a very special woman... by a very special daughter. She would have been so proud of how you chose to honor her on Mother's Day. xoxo

  13. Nice tribute to her on Mothers Day.

    You didn't get those at the Bullocks on Van Nuys in Panorama City did you?


  14. Quelle table magnifique pour un si beau jour.Romantisme, distinction, tendresse, amour. merci pour ce beau partage.

  15. Such a precious post. Your mother sounds like a very special and lovely lady. Your table in her honor is stunning. Love it all. Thanks for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  16. Beautiful table and beautiful story of your mother.

  17. So romantic! So beautiful!
    Thanks for linking! I have another French party going on! Come link!
