Monday, April 16, 2012

Spring Bonnets

I should call this post Confessions of a Girly Girl.  I love to do tea with the ladies, and wear hats and vintage jewelry which is essentially playing dress up.  I put down my paint brushes and garden spades and get all gussied up for these very special opportunities.  Today I thought I would share some of my favorite hats.  You will notice they are all floral.  Yes, I am truly a romantic.  Can't help it, it's in my blood. 

The first hat is truly vintage.  The designer was Lilly Dache.  She was a premiere hat designer in her day.  I just love this hat. 

 Today I have called on my favorite hat models, Fifi and Stella.  Stella loves her vintage pearls and necklaces.
 The following hat I picked up at a very special little boutique that used to be at a nearby swap meet.  You would be amazed at the crazy places you can find beautiful hats like these.  A very talented hat artist used to sell her creations there.
 This next hat was one of my splurges.  This hat is exquisitely  designed and constructed.  It will last well into the next millennium.  Of course, I keep these protected in hat boxes when not in use.
 This is my largest hat.  I purchased this one at Nordstrom years ago.  Mind you, I used to do tea at least once a month so these hats have been called to serve many times.

 This is another pretty hat by the same designer at the swap meet.
Lovely handmade silk roses and beautiful lace.
 Fifi is wearing this very vintage hat in navy blue velvet from I. Magnin.  This hat is almost patriotic by its coloring.
 Truly gorgeous.  Hope you enjoyed my little hat parade.  One last funny story.  One day I went to tea at a very fancy tea room in Pasadena, California.  Of course, I was all dolled up for the festivities.  I came home and was rushing to get a project done to take to the shop.  Well, I changed out of my fancies and put on the grubbies and headed for the garage.  My neighbor stopped by to chat for a few minutes and when I came back in, I was covered in paint, dirt and, oh yes, my beautiful vintage pearls.  I had forgotten to take them off.  She thinks I'm a little strange anyway, but I think that convinced her for sure.  Thanks for joining the parade today.  Have a wonderful week.
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I'm partying at...

Mondays          The House in the Roses       Debbie Doos         The Graphics Fairy
                                    Le Chateau des Fleurs
Tuesdays          Knick of Time       Tutus and Tea Parties       Coastal Charm  
                                      Boogie Board Cottage   
Wednesdays     Savvy Southern Style           Primp         Faded Charm Cottage            
                                     Fine Craft Guild     It's So Very Cheri Bloghop     Ivy and Elephants
Thursdays        Embracing Change     The Shabby Creek Cottage    No Minimalist Here 
                                     Tablescape Thursday
Fridays            French Country Cottage       My Romantic Home        Miss Mustard Seed
                                    At the Picket Fence     Potpourri Friday     Common Ground
                                    The Charm of Home    Decorating Insanity
Saturdays        Funky Junk Interiors


  1. Oh what lovely hats. I adore hats. Bags too. We have a lovely tearooms near to where I live called The Parlour where everything is vintage (they sell it too) and they play typically vintage music. I would love to dress up when I go there for afternoon tea with friends - maybe I will.

  2. Fabulous vintage hats! Love them all. Came over from the French link party!


  3. OMGOSH- What GORGEOUS hats and what a fun time to post them with all the hoopla coming up over the Kentucky Derby. Aren't those beautiful? xo Diana

  4. Oh! We have so much in common. I love giving and going to Teas and wearing pretty hats! Love all of your beautiful hats. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Wow, I loved every single picture!! One is prettier than the other! Oh, I wish we still wore them on a regular basis. I was just asking my mom last week about when they wore hats and she said they always wore them for occasions, not necessarily to go shopping, but any time you went visiting .


  6. I have just found your blog, dear Maggie, and I find it so beautiful that I have become your latest follower. Looking eagerly forward to your next post! Have a wonderful week, Manu

  7. Gorgeous hats, Maggie! I remember seeing you in some of your hats, and you always looked so great in them! Perfect timing with the derby coming up...
    Love your blog!

  8. There is an art to designing a nice hat. Very pretty!

  9. I have been hat shopping lately, and I would have swooned to come across that pink lace and silk rose beauty!
    Your hats are just lovely, lovely!
    Thanks for the show!


  10. Beautiful hats and I love your doll heads or busts not sure what you call them but they are so unique

  11. Gorgeous Hats! Love those roses!

  12. I love them all--the first one being my favorite. TFS!

  13. You have some lovely hats. I also love hats. The one you bought from Nordstoms is my favorite.

  14. Prettiest hats!
    I am sharing on Facebook!

    Come back next Monday to the French party!

  15. Hi Maggie, This is my first visit to your lovely blog. Your collection of hats is gorgeous!
