Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter Peeps and Chocolate Bunnies

I spent my day gardening and cleaning today.  It's always nice to have that organized feeling after a hard day of work.  Not that I am organized, mind you, but I feel like I accomplished a lot. 
Last year I found this adorable little advertising box at American Home Antiques in Ventura, California.  It's a quaint and charming little shop in a seaside town.  I always find something I just have to have.  If you follow my blog, you know by now I have a fondness for these little Peeps so it was only fitting I scooped up this precious little cigar-style box.  I don't think it's old.  Probably a reproduction, but it is adorable.
 I stuffed it with some of my little critters from the 99 cent store.
 Don't they look happy?  Below are two of my faux chocolate bunnies that I have had for years.  They look like the real thing.  I tucked some herbs in an old enameled roasting pan.  I love the green and the soft yellow color.  Perfect for plants.  I think I am going to have my husband drill some holes so I can make this permanent and allow drainage.  The pan really isn't useful anymore as a roaster.
 I do love these little guys.  They always bring a smile to my face.  Happy Easter everyone.
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1 comment:

  1. Oh- I LOVE that Peeps box and would have snapped it up in a MINUTE! And I like your Chocolate bunnies, too...the best kind- they don't melt! xo Diana
