Sunday, March 4, 2012

Spring is in the Air

As I have started doing these little vignettes of teas, it takes me back a few years when I used to do monthly teas with a few ladies that I met in a not so convetional way.  I first met Sue because I wrote into Victorian Homes magazine and my letter was published.  Sue contacted me and the "tea group" was formed.  Sue met Luci through a luncheon they attended that was hosted by Victoria magazine.  The three of us became fast friends.  Alice was a nearby neighbor that was a party planner and we had some incredibly memorable experiences from those monthly get togethers.  Alice became ill and dropped out.  Judi joined the group.  Luci moved away and then we were joined by Debbie.  My point to all of this?  There were six women who touched each other's lives in a very big way by just meeting once a month over the course of a few years.  We really did not socialize with each other other than that one monthly experience.  Out of the six of us, two have passed away at the young age of 60.  One other was diagnosed with a very serious cancer in the earliest of stages and thank goodness is still alive. 

We never know the impact we have on one another with the simplest art of communing together if only for an afternoon on an infrequent ocassion.  Everyone is so busy racing about nowadays, we forget the little things such as picking up the phone to stay connected or meeting for an hour or two for a bite to eat.  Those teas are some of my most memorable experiences because not only did we commune with each other, we shared our creativity and marveled at the talents of others.

I'd like to share a quote I read by Florence Farr from 1910.  

"We are more moved by one conversation than by many eloquent discourses.  After all, what is so permanently delightful as communication of ideas?" 
This is what the blogging community brings to me, and I hope I bring something to you as well  I am blown away by the talent and sharing I encounter each day when I visit the link parties and see what others have come up with and the fact they are willing to share so freely their creativity.

Just to share a little bit about this vignette, this tablecloth is the only vintage tablecloth I have actually saved for myself.  I love the old cotton tablecloths, but once I restore them, I take them to the shop and off they go to a new home.  I just could not part with this particular one.  I think it's luscious!  Speaking of luscious, what could be better than lemon blueberry scones?  No, we didn't make these.  I got them at Trader Joe's.  Yummy just the same - probably better.

Last but not least, aren't these cake pops beautiful?  Cake pops are the latest craze since cupcakes.  If you want a really good chuckle visit my friend Bliss.  She did an insanely funny post on the art of making cake pops click here.  Thanks for visiting today.  Now pick up the phone and call someone you are thinking of or make a lunch date!

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  1. LOL, your cake pops rule! Thanks for the shout out Miss M., and just so you know if I ever come for tea.... I like cream and sugar in mine and I LOVE scones!


  2. What a great story!! I know over the years I have made great friends though different monthly gatherings. Yep, that table cloth was a keeper, I am headed over to the cake pop friend, I could use a laugh!


  3. Hi Maggie,
    What a delight to find your blog. You gave a beautiful tea party and I love your tablecloth. Thank you for sharing and I am your newest follower.

  4. Hi Maggie,
    What a delightful post filled with all my favourite things. Your snack sets are very pretty and the table cloth is wonderful. Your cake pops look almost too pretty to eat! Thanks for sharing and have a lovely weekend. I'm a new follower. I hope you will stop by and say Hello.


  5. Beautiful!
    ... your tablescape is so pretty :)

    Greetings from Australia♥
