Friday, February 3, 2012

Sweet Heart Table

I picked up this table last weekend at a local sale and fell in love with it.  It's perfect for Valentine's Day, however, I am saving it to take to the shop in March.  I want to do a potting shed theme and I'm sort of hoarding all my garden goodies until I have enough to do a whole display.  This little gem is perfect for a garden motif.
 It's a perfect wooden heart with little planks that are not very visible in the photograph, but the color is perfect and it has a small shelf on the bottom for plants.
 Cute as bug's ears.  Do bugs have ears?  Well, if they do, that is how cute this is.
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  1. Well speaking of bugs, the create one must of bit me, cause I'm looking at that table and thinking how cute that heart would be with the legs cut off and hung on the wall!


  2. I love heart shapes! Great find ~

