Monday, January 23, 2012

Clock Face Table Tops

I got the idea to do this post from something I saw on link party last Saturday.  The post was by on her January 19 post.  (Sorry, I don't know how to link to another blogger's post and make it pretty.)  When I saw her post, I realized we had two clock table tops in the store that I could share with everyone as well.

You know how you go out to sales or flea markets or just driving down the street and you come across those old metal patio tables?  There seem to be a lot of them around this time of year because people want new patio furniture, and they are usually faded and really rusty so people easily discard them.   Well, one man's junk (or woman's) is another man's (or woman's) treasure.  The owner of our shop cleaned these tables up, painted them and affixed vinyl numbers.  I'm not saying it was easy breezy but they came out great.  She has sold one already.  You can get the clock mechanisms for them and use them as an actual giant clock.  Very Pottery Barn if you ask me.  Or you could easily use them as table tops again.  What a novel idea.  At any rate, Lisa had a great idea and so did Pat.  Let's hear it for repurposing.

This one is done in rust paint and the numbers are stencilled.  I am going to share another great clock face table this week, but I'm giving it its own post.
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