Saturday, December 31, 2011

My Favorite Posts of the Year

Taking another page from Kim at Cheap Chic Home, here are my four favorite blog posts from this year that did not make my all time most viewed blogs.  These French signs are my favorites and are the only ones as of this posting that have not been sold.  I have sold a couple others similar to these so I know it will take a special person to purchase them.  Also I do not want to separate the pair.
 This crate was a very popular post as well and one of my personal favorites.  It has since gone to a good home.  This was a fun crate to transform and it attended one of my first link parties.
 I adore these pumpkins.  They were, believe it or not, my second post on October 25.  I thought they turned out so cute, but, of course, did not get any comments.  I love them just the same.  They are full of fond memories of stepping into the unknown world of blog land. 

 My Great Find Cabinet has also found a good home.  It was hard to part with her, but I think she is happy to find permanent lodging.
Happy New Year and thanks to those of you who view my blog  You all inspire me to continue.  I wish for wonderful things for all of us in 2012.

1 comment:

  1. Maggie, you are so sweet. You are so talented and have a great blog--keep plugging away! On my navigation bar, I have a "Blog Tips" tab, if you haven't checked it out, yet, you might find some good info there. I can't believe you didn't keep your Great Cabinet Find!
