Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Better Than a Bread Box

This is my final project post for now.  I am taking a two-week blog break while we are vacationing. If I can manage to get my photos of the Rhine River uploaded, I will try to share them with you.

A couple of weeks ago I attended a trade show in Los Angeles and one of the vendors was storing her pencils and papers in an adorable bread box that had been painted and converted into a mini roll top desk.  
I fell in love with the idea and the next day I just happened to find a bread box in my travels to local sales.  I painted this a very pale shell pink, then I used an image from one of my Pinterest boards and reverse mod podged it onto the front of my box.
I found these gorgeous metal roses at the very same trade show and decided to adorn the box a little more.
Isn't this the perfect mini table top desk organizer?  I can't decide if I should sell it or keep it to use at the Little French Flea when I sell there.
Of course I could always use it for bread.  What a novel idea.
Here is the image I used.
One of the reasons my postings have been sparse lately is our new little grandson Carter.  In addition to going up to see my daughter and son-in-law for the birth, they blessed us with a visit here.  I got to spend a whole week with the baby.  Here are the proud parents with Carter at five weeks.
This is our youngest daughter holding a very squirmy Carter.  She adapted to her role as Auntie like a duck takes to water.
Thanks for visiting.  I plan to spend my down time at the airport catching up with what all of you have been doing.  It will be nice to sit on my computer and do some fun things instead of working.  I haven't even been on Pinterest this last month.  It's definitely time for a vacation!