I love to paint advertising signs and crates based on old products that are no longer around. I find old tins or ad prints and use them for my inspiration. Believe me when I tell you I am no artist, but a few tricks I learned from my daughter who was an art major in college have taken me a long way. I found this old crate at a sale. I try to pick these pieces up for a reasonable price as all the value ends up being from my labor. This crate is approximately 5 feet long. It has a hinged lid like a coffin box and it had some hasps already on the front to keep it closed.
Finished Product |
I had my husband paint the crate with Rustoleum American Accents Heirloom White. I didn't want the box to be too white as I wanted it to have an aged appearance when finished just like an old advertising crate would look.
Crate Box Painted White |
Then I chose my fonts and mapped them out on paper so that I would know exactly how to space my lettering and words. With the lettering on this box, I wanted a whimsical feel so I staggered the letting in "Cocoa" and "Chocolates." After all, chocolate is a very fun subject. At least it is for me.
Getting the Lettering Started |
When it was all mapped out, I went to work and applied the stenciling. I usually stencil, stand back and look and then go over it again to get a more solid foundation and to add depth to the coloring.
Adding the Printing |
I try to make my pieces look authentic so I do the top and sides. If it's a box that could be placed down the center of a table, I will do both sides and the lid so the box has printing from all views. Sometimes I will even put "net weight" on the ends of the box. Depending how much space I need to fill to make it look real.
Printing on More than One Side to Make it Interesting |
When all the lettering is done, I go back to each letter and do a little shading to give the lettering dimension.
In the End |
Then I sand the whole thing down to age it and then I go over it with a dark stain and put a glaze over it. If it's too dark, wipe your stain back with mineral spirits. After the stain or glaze sets up for 24 hours, I then spray it with a lacquer spray. This box is long enough it could be used as a mantle shelf or mounted on a wall to make a high planter. I will display this box up on my wall and put plant life in it, maybe a little trailing ivy.